Changing host permission for MySQL user
Changing host permission for MySQL user
Changing host permission for MySQL user
بسم الله Bismillah Command terminal for setup debian server Login with root user Here example command, you can change username or your server ip addres and port open to ssh remote ssh [email protected] -p22 Change locale locale-gen en_US.UTF-8 | sudo locale-gen id_ID.UTF-8 Install the command application that we will need soon apt install sudo apt install curl apt install mtr apt install htop Activate sudo for regular linux users visudo Find this line and then add it below ...
بسم الله Bismillah Command line how to create database, user and password mariadb or mysql with grant all privileges First you must login into mysql/mariadb command line mysql -u root If you never set login command line without root, you can read Yang Dilakukan Setelah Install Ulang GNU/Linux sudo mysql -u root Create DB database create database db_blogs; Create User and Password database create user 'blog_user'@'localhost' identified by 'blog_user!@#'; Set user get all privileges on database grant all privileges on db_blogs.* to 'blog_user'@'localhost'; Flush flush privileges; الحمد لله ...
Pakai jaringan indosat, beberapa link repo jadi unreachable, pasang proxy deh.
Jalanin docker gagal, karena permission denied while trying connect socket